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斯德哥爾摩2009年10月2日電 /美通社亞洲/ -- NEC DISplay Solutions 是世界上第一家獲得投影儀 TCO(瑞典專業雇員聯盟)認證的制造商。瑞典公司 TCO Development 制定了顯示器環境相容性和人體工程學的國際認證標準。目前,該公司又擬定了一套類似的投影儀認證標準,和一種名為"TCO Image Size"(TCO 圖像大小)的衡量方法。這種衡量方法能幫助消費者挑選到最合適的投影儀。NEC NP215 和 NP410 是全球首批貼上這種質量和環境認證新標簽的投影儀產品。
挑選投影儀并不是一件輕松的事。而解決方法就是利用 TCO Image Size--在正常使用并滿足所有 TCO Development 認定的對確定高品質圖片至關重要的所有視覺人體工程學標準的情況下,測定出的最大投影面積。此外,為了通過 TCO 認證,投影儀必須符合聲學、能耗以及產品和包裝使用材料方面的嚴格標準。此外,它還必須具備 Eco 節能模式,該設備可以在這樣的模式下低能耗、低噪音運行。當視頻或電腦接口斷開,投影儀必須自動進入待機模式。
NEC NP215 和 NP410滿足 TCO 的要求并能起到示范作用。在 Eco 模式下分別僅為 210W (NP215) 和195W (NP410) 的低功耗使這些投影儀更具經濟性和環保的特點。Eco 模式也有利于延長燈泡壽命。在特定量的時間內,如果輸入設備沒有接收到信號,"自動斷電"(Auto Power Off) 功能可以使投影儀自動關機。待機模式下,設備的功耗僅為 0.7W。這表示它們已經符合即將于2010年1月生效的 Eup 2005/32/EC* 指令。使用后,投影儀可以立即關機。
此外,這兩款投影儀還提供 Carbon SavinGS Meter。這一工具可以計算出該設備在 Eco 模式下運行時的二氧化碳減排總量。而在環境和人體工程學方面,TCO 認證也代表制造商在整個增值鏈--從生產到處理--上,履行著自身的社會責任。NEC 商用投影儀產品線經理 Ulf Greiner 解釋說:"NEC 的綠色愿景 (Green Vision) 理念,就像 TCO 制定的標準文件,充分考慮到產品的整個生命周期。我們的投影儀獲得 TCO 認證,對我們而言既是一種肯定,也是更大的激勵,我們將繼續努力實現最佳的環境相容性,同時提供卓越性能和成本效益。"
TCO Development 董事總經理 Soren Enholm 說:"近20年來,TCO 認證一直是全球制造商打造具備更高能效和圖像質量的顯示器的一種動力。近來我們已經認識到必須將投影儀納入我們的認證計劃,因為投影儀已經越來越普及。所以,使這類產品盡可能地具環保性并幫助消費者識別具有最佳圖像質量的產品非常重要。"
EuP 2005/32/EC:這個生態設計指令將于明年生效,它要求投影儀在待機模式下所消耗的能量必須低于1瓦特,或者應設置一個能夠使電源完全斷開的開關。
TCO Certified 和 TCO Development 簡介
TCO Certified(TCO 認證)是針對旨在把對環境影響降到最低限度的高性能信息和通信技術 (ICT) 產品進行的第三方認證。自1992年以來,TCO Certified 計劃在改進顯示器的圖像品質和人體工程學設計,以及降低 ICT 產品的電磁輻射方面產生了重大影響。能源效率和減少有害物質的使用也是 TCO Certified 注重的主要層面。TCO Certified 計劃所涵蓋的產品包括筆記本電腦和臺式電腦、顯示器、手機耳機和2009年以及2009年以后生產的投影儀。借助 TCO Certified,消費者可以輕松挑選對用戶和環境均有益處的 IT 設備。TCO Certified 背后的公司 TCO Development 總部位于瑞典斯德哥爾摩,在亞洲和北美洲地區均有地區辦事處。
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH 的歐洲總部設在德國慕尼黑,負責 EMEA(歐洲、中東和非洲)地區的所有業務活動,分為四個銷售區域,包括北歐,西歐和南歐,中歐、東歐和東南歐以及中東/非洲。NEC Display Solutions 受益于 NEC Corporation 的技術知識和工藝,并且憑借其自身的研究與開發實力成為市面上提供顯示器解決方案產品種類最廣泛的世界領先制造商之一。其顯示器產品組合包括從入門級產品到專業和特制的桌面液晶顯示器 (LCD),以及用于數字告示和零售招牌的大型公告顯示器。該投影儀種類提供的產品能夠滿足各種需求,包括從便攜式設備到商用投影儀,以及用于持久工作的產品(例如 POS 應用)和數字電影放映機。該歐洲總部的董事總經理由 Bernd Eberhardt 擔任。
NEC Corporation 是互聯網、寬帶網絡和企業業務解決方案的全球領先供應商之一,致力于滿足其多元化的全球客戶群的特殊需求。通過整合其在 IT 和網絡方面的技術實力,并且通過 NEC Electronics Corporation 提供先進的半導體解決方案,NEC 在電腦、網絡和電子設備等重要領域提供量身定制的解決方案。NEC Group 在全球擁有超過15萬雇員。
垂詢詳情,請訪問 NEC 網站:
NEC Display Solutions is the world's first manufacturer to receive a TCO certificate for projectors. The Swedish company TCO Development sets international criteria for the certification of monitors' environmental compatibility and ergonomics. Now it has drawn up a similar catalogue of criteria for projectors and developed a new measurement called "TCO Image Size". This measurement facilitates the choice of the right projector for the customer. The NEC NP215 and NP410 are the first projectors worldwide to be awarded the new label of quality and environment.
Choosing a projector is not an easy task. The solution is TCO Image Size – the largest projected area tested in normal use situations that meet all the visual ergonomic criteria TCO Development consider important for validating a high quality picture. Moreover, in order to receive a TCO certification, a projector needs to satisfy strict criteria regarding acoustics, energy consumption and the materials used for the product and its packaging. Furthermore, it has to feature an Eco mode in which the device can be operated with lower energy consumption and less noise. When the video or computer interface is disconnected, the projector has to enter standby mode automatically.
The NEC NP215 and NP410 satisfy the TCO requirements in an exemplary manner. The low power consumption of only 210W (NP215), respectively 195W (NP410) in Eco Mode makes these projectors particularly economical and eco-friendly. Eco mode also facilitates an extended lamp life. An Auto Power Off function enables the projector to automatically turn off if no signal is received by any input device for a specified amount of time. In standby mode, the devices only consume 0.7 W. This means that they already comply with the forthcoming EuP 2005/32/EC* directive, which comes into effect in January 2010. After use, the projectors can be switched off immediately.
Additionally the projectors offer a Carbon Savings Meter. The tool calculates and totals the CO2 savings that are achieved when the device is being operated in Eco mode. As well as environmental and ergonomic aspects, a TCO certificate also means that a manufacturer is discharging its social responsibility across the entire added value chain – from manufacturing to disposal. "NEC's Green Vision philosophy, just like TCO's criteria documents, takes account of the entire product life cycle," explains Ulf Greiner, Product Line Manager for Business Projectors at NEC. "TCO certification for our projectors is both an affirmation and a further incentive to continue our efforts to achieve optimum environmental compatibility while at the same time delivering outstanding performance and cost effectiveness."
"For almost 20 years TCO certification has been a driving force for manufacturers worldwide to build monitors with higher energy efficiency and image quality. Lately we have realized the necessity to include projectors in our certification program", says S鰎en Enholm, Managing Director TCO Development. "Projectors are becoming increasingly popular. Therefore it is important to build them as environmentally friendly as possible and to assist consumers in identifying a product with optimal image quality."
*EuP 2005/32/EC: This eco-design directive, which comes into effect next year, states that projectors must consume less than 1 watt in standby mode or have a switch that enables them to be disconnected from the power supply completely.
About TCO Certified and TCO Development
TCO Certified is a third party certification for high performance ICT products that are also designed for minimal environmental impact. Since 1992 the TCO certification program has had a significant influence on improved image quality and ergonomics for displays, as well as the reduction of electromagnetic emissions from ICT products. Energy efficiency and reduced usage of hazardous substances are also key aspects of the TCO Certification. Products covered by the TCO certification program are notebooks and desktops PCs, displays, phone headsets and since 2009 projectors. With TCO Certified it is easy to choose IT equipment that is designed for the benefit of both the user and the environment. TCO Development, the company behind TCO Certified, is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with regional presence in Asia and North America.
Further information can be found online at:
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH
NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH has its European headquarters in Munich, Germany and is responsible for all business activities in EMEA, divided into the four sales regions Northern Europe, Western and Southern Europe, Central Europe, Eastern and South-East Europe with Middle East/Africa. NEC Display Solutions benefits from the technological know-how and technologies of the NEC Corporation and, with its own Research and Development, is one of the world's leading manufacturers offering the widest product range of display solutions in the market. The display product portfolio ranges from entry-level to professional and speciality desktop LCDs, via large-size Public Displays for Digital and Retail Signage. The Projector range offers products for all needs, from portable devices via business projectors to products for permanent operation (such as PoS applications) and digital cinema projectors. Managing Director of the European head office is Bernd Eberhardt.
Further information can be found online at:
NEC Corporation is one of the world's leading providers of internet, broadband network and enterprise business solutions dedicated to meeting the specialized needs of its diverse and global base of customers. NEC delivers tailored solutions in the key fields of computer, networking and electron devices, by integrating its technical strengths in IT and Networking, and by providing advanced semiconductor solutions through the NEC Electronics Corporation. The NEC Group employs more than 150,000 people worldwide.
Further information can be found on the internet at the NEC website: