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中國視聽網資訊 更新時間:2009-12-9 10:15:45  編輯:旺牛  [ ]     手機訪問

  MARGATE, Kent UK, 2009年TVONE宣布發行新款C2-2450A邊緣融合器。這是一款擁有TVOne獨家CORIO®2技術,且具有專業邊緣融合功能的強大機型。通過自定義快捷鍵可以非常簡單的操作復雜的邊緣融合應用。



  可通過專用的前面板開啟或關閉融合指導線,切換黑屏/白屏以更好的協助Gamma校正和黑色水平調整,從而使系統的搭建更簡易。所有的功能皆可通過前面板來控制、紅外遙控,RS-232或IP進行控制。并且提供一個簡單易用的邊緣融合軟件-Edge Blender。


Edge Blending made easy with new dedicated unit from TV One
MARGATE, Kent UK, 24th August 2009 – TV One announces the release of the new C2-2450A Edge Blender. This powerful and dedicated edge-blending unit is based on TV One’s exclusive CORIO®2 Technology and has been developed specifically to facilitate quick and easy set up of otherwise complex edge-blending applications.

A single DVI or RGB source at virtually any resolution and refresh rate is simultaneously fed into two or more separate C2-2450A units and using their integral processing engines, this video is prepared and output to multiple projectors and blended seamlessly together to create larger, brighter displays.

Set up and operation is made simple with dedicated front panel push buttons for various functions including turning the edge-blend guidelines on and off and also for switching to a full black or white output. The black output assists with the black level adjustment, whilst the white output aids in gamma correction to compensate for many of the problems faced when blending projectors. All functions can be controlled via the front panel, infrared, RS-232 or IP. An easy-to-use edge-blending software tool is also freely available allowing for even simpler operation of the C2-2450A.

Ten user defined presets are available to customise settings for various applications and due to the unit’s non-volatile memory these settings are retained even when power is switched off. Pixel accurate scaling is available to support any edge-blend application with images from multiple units aligned vertically, horizontally or both to create unusual displays. The unit is housed in a desktop case and an optional rackmount kit holds one or two units.

From TV One, Rm.1007, Golden Peach Building, No.1900 Shangcheng Road. Pudong, Shanghai, China(200120) Phone 86-21-5830 2960, www.tvone.com. For more information, please contact sales.china@tvone.com .

Founded in 1984, TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO Ô video conversion technology. Centrally located in Erlanger , KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.

關于TV One 公司:

  TV One 公司簡介TV One自1984年成立,25年來TV One一直致力于研發和生產視頻和計算機信號相互處理轉換,視頻和計算機方面給客戶提供創新的解決方案。依靠以客戶回饋為基礎的研發, TV One在視頻影像信號處理產業制造出了許多個“第一”。 TV One在產品質量、可靠性和客戶滿意度上居行業領先地位。

  TV One總公司位于美國肯塔基州,于近幾年相繼在拉丁美州、歐洲、臺灣及大陸上海成立分公司和辦事處,且各主要國家均設有代理經銷商 。 TV One為繼續爭取全面性的卓越,收購英國Vine Micro公司,一家知名的廣播設備生產制造商,并買下其公司世界獨家影像轉換處理專利CORIO技術 。此次收購使得TV One可以加強及增大產品的發展,創新產品生產線以及建立更多的成本效益。這也使得TV One為廣電及專業影像制作市場提供更多的選擇,并為演示及多媒體市場提供了更多且更好質量的產品保證。

  TV One團隊將每一個使用項目視為唯一的客戶需求。這些需求將對應依照對客戶從產品研發到客戶服務的深層承諾而細心設計的解決方案,您將發現TV One的多樣應用——從簡單的解決方案到復雜的集成系統——從商業和演示到住宅應用。 TV One以其產品和良好的售后服務而自豪。

  主要包括:HD/SDI全方位視頻處理器, 視頻無縫切換器;PC掃描轉換器;倍線器;數字視頻全制式轉換器;RGBHV, YUV, DVI ,HDMI,SD/HD SDI處理器,轉換器,信號延長,分配放大器,切換器,分辨率轉換器;VIDEO,PC,DVI 信號發生器和高性能的矩陣設備等。

TV One 主要產品應用: C2 系列廣播級產品應用:



TV One Wins Another Award For Best Video Product
The Worship Facilities Conference & Expo awards TV One for Best Video Switcher/Scaler/Mixer with the C2-6104 CORIOview Video Processor

MARGATE, Kent UK, 16th November 2009 – TV One is excited to receive the show award for Best Video Switcher/Scaler/Mixer at the October Worship Facilities Conference & Expo (WFX) recently held in Charlotte NC, USA. The WFX New Product Awards recognise the most innovative new building and technology products to hit the house of worship market.

Jay Gonzalez, USA Southeast Regional Manager for TV One was present to accept the award and states, “I am proud to accept this award on behalf of TV One. We have a lot of talented engineers who, along with the entire staff, work hard to provide products that are unique to the industry and the C2-6104 CORIOview certainly fits into this award category. We are pleased to have this product selected by WFX.”

The 4-Window DVI-I Processor has five DVI-I inputs (including one for cascade and background usage) to place up to 4 sizeable windows on a single DVI-I output. Each window is powered by ascaler providing full Picture-in-Picture flexibility. DVI-D resolutions up to and 1080p are supported along with analog DVI-A (RGBHV/YUV/YPbPr via optional HD-15 adapter) resolutions up to 2048x2048 at virtually any refresh rate.

Colour borders and source labelling are provided for each window. Four still image stores are built into the unit which can each display one of ten user loadable graphic images to be used in place of an input. The key mode allows any window to be keyed over any other window with variable priority/layer control and precise 4:4:4 keying at the pixel level.

CORIOview multiviewer has powerful control capability with ten front panel presets (50 total) and RS-232/RS-4232/RS-485 or Ethernet control with full adjustments of all the parameters. The front panel LCD menu system also aids in quick setup at the unit. The CORIOtools Suite fully integrates into the CORIOview along with many third party control system interfaces.

Outstanding control, flexibility and quality is what made TV One’s C2-6104 CORIOview product an award winning video switcher/scaler/mixer at the WFX show in Charlotte NC, USA.
From TV One, Rm.1007, Golden Peach Building, No.1900 Shangcheng Road. Pudong, Shanghai, China(200120) Phone 86-21-5830 2960, www.tvone.com. For more information, please contact sales.china@tvone.com .

Founded in 1984, TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO Ô video conversion technology. Centrally located in Erlanger , KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.

更多相關:  AV集成










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